Handling Customer Grievances


Consistent growth in the online payment business can be ensured only with effective customer service at all levels. The quality and content of customer service require a focused engagement for hassle-free delivery. airpay payment services aims at providing good quality services in a friendly, efficient, and helpful way which implies that customers are treated with dignity, respect and courtesy in their dealings with airpay. airpay shall endeavour to provide the highest quality of customer service to ensure continued customer satisfaction, retention and sustained growth of products and services.


This policy sets out the systems, procedures, and review mechanism for minimising instances of customer complaints and grievances and ensuring prompt redressal of customer complaints and grievances. Broadly, the key objectives of this policy are as under:

  • Fairness: Customers are to be treated with dignity, respect, and courtesy at all times in a fair, transparent and unbiased manner.
  • Quality & Consistency: Classify customer feedback, queries, requests, and complaints, including disputes, appropriately, and handle them with an open mind, defined SLA and TAT, and standardised experience.
  • Transparency: Upfront disclosure of terms and conditions, timelines, technical and quality specifications, contra-indications, pricing and charges.
  • Awareness and Ease of Access: Customers are provided with multiple touch points and information about various channels available for grievance redressal and the right to approach Nodal Officer is made publicly available.
  • Empowerment: Educating customers on various avenues available to them to escalate grievances, including external bodies (RBI, Banking Ombudsman and Ombudsman for Digital Transactions)
Dissemination of Grievance Redressal Mechanism

airpay will address queries, requests, complaints & feedbacks to the best effort basis. It is recommended that the customer writes compliant reference number provided by our customer care team in all further communication with us regarding a particular issue. This enables us to get more details about the customer and the query quickly and helps to resolve the query faster.

Escalation Matrix
Level 1 Website Contact Us / Write to: customerservice@airpay.co.in or Call customer care on: 020-691-10300
Level 2 Write to Grievance Officer, Name: Vishal Mohite, Email: nodal.officer@airpay.co.in
Level 3 Write to Nodal Officer, Name: Sanjeev Singh, Email: nodal.officer@airpay.co.in

Suitable timelines have been set for every compliant depending upon nature of queries and the investigation lead time which would be involved in resolving the same. Here are the estimated timelines at various levels of complaints / escalations.

Resolution Timelines
First response to a user’s query/ concern 1 Day
Follow-up queries 2 Days
Resolution of escalated cases 4 Days
Resolution of customer grievances 10 Days
Consent Withdrawal Process
  • A. Purpose
  • This document outlines the process for individuals to withdraw their consent for data collection, processing, or any other previously agreed-upon activity.

  • B. Scope
  • This process applies to all individuals who have provided consent for data collection, marketing communications, or other services requiring explicit permission.

    Credit Information stored shall be deleted on receipt of such Consent Withdrawal request and post-processing, confirmation shall be sent to the consumer

  • C. Withdrawal Request Submission
  • Individuals can withdraw consent using the following methods:

  • D. Required Information
  • To process the request, the individual must provide:

    • Full Name
    • Contact Details
    • Description of the consent being withdrawn
    • Any reference number (if applicable)
  • E. Processing Timeline
  • First response to a user’s query/ concern 1 Day
    Follow-up queries 2 Days
    Resolution of escalated cases 4 Days
    Resolution of customer grievances 10 Days
  • F. Consequences of Withdrawal
  • Upon withdrawal of consent:

    • The individual will no longer receive the service/data processing related to the consent.
    • Certain functionalities or services may be impacted.
    • Data already processed before the withdrawal may remain in accordance with legal requirements.
  • G. Compliance & Record-Keeping
    • All withdrawal requests will be documented for compliance purposes.
    • Records will be maintained as per regulatory guidelines.